I graduated from Trinity College Dublin in 1995 with an Honours Degree. I completed my Masters Degree by Research in Trinity in 2011. I completed a postgraduate certificate in Person-Centred and Environment-Centred Stress Prevention Strategies in Waterford Institute of Technology in 2017. I am currently undertaking a Doctorate by Prior Publication at Kingston University, London.
I commenced my professional clinical practice in St John of Gods Hospital. I then went to work in the community mental health services in Cluain Mhuire. My experience now spans 25 years and has developed substantially over these years. I developed an interest in workplace wellness due to the stress and challenges of working in a health service environment. My clinical work now focuses on this area. Recently, I undertook the role of Operations Manager of The Longitudinal Study of Ageing in the School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin. As a result I have a good understanding of healthy ageing and how this can be achieved through occupational therapy. I returned to lead the Occupational Therapy Department of the Cluain Mhuire Community Mental Health Service in 2019 as I wanted to continue a spilt role of clincial, research and management. During COVID I established an innovative student led programme which enabled our service offer an additional occupational therapy programme and provided much needed clinical placements for occupational therapy students
I have published over 50 peer reviewed journal articles, three book chapters and undertook the role of Editor in Chief for the Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy from 2011 – 2020. Additionally, I have been awarded grants by the Mental Health Commission, the Health Research Board and the St John of Gods Research Foundation.
I have a small private practice with a specific interest in managing the demands of work and health.